Episode 2 of this series is out and I have managed to get my hands on episode 1 & 2 for you to watch but the big question is; Is this real?
It seems to me that this might be a joke and has the French have a good ol’ rib tickle over the English by mocking their skiing! The only thing that adds a bit of skepticism in there is that the English accent this guy puts on is quite impressive so everyone in the office just doesn’t know what to think!
Personally, I think it’s a damn good impression and pretty funny! I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the series and what else he manages to get himself into! So here we have episodes 1 & 2 of K-C Wallace – Professional Freestyle Skier. Is he the fittest? You tell me.
Crewstacez: K-C Wallace | Professional Freestyle Skier | Episode 1 >>
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