Soooo… after working out what a blog was ( I once tried to become an internet designer until I realised I didn’t really know anything about the internet ) I decided to give the first one a bash seeing as ‘other’ park Dave was busy digging the rails and netting out of the physical evidence of our finest winter in a long time!

My orders came in as follows: “write about safety, new features, events… things that piss you off… anything really”, so with a precise set of instructions like that I obviously had no idea where to start… so let’s very briefly do them all… maybe with some subtle sarcasm…
Safety: With so many landings to stand on, so many knuckles to hide behind and so many kickers way too big for a beginner the issue of safety turns into quite a task. I spent the first part of the season trying to advise people on hitting kickers more suited to their abilities and pretty much continually asking people to move off the blind spots of kickers. After a couple of months of this I decided that for my own personal health ( I find it pretty stressfull telling people not to be stupid all the time ) I would only concentrate on trying as hard as I could to stop people hurting each other, the standing on landing thing again, but if people who had zero freestyle skills wanted to hit the black kickers, flop off the end to about 2 metres along the table and crumple in a heap on the flat then… why not? ( took literally 2 minutes and I got to choose these 2 out of 6! ) People have been making intelligent decisions for years, in fact monkeys made so many they became us, so if some aren’t capable of it then I’ll put it down to some sort of natural selection and let them work it out for themselves.

Obviously signs are on the mountain to help people out, tell them where dangerous off piste is, warn them of crossing pistes etc… so you got to respect them and take note as otherwise this could happen
Well I think that covers a little on safety and things that piss me off so…
New features and events: The current task we’re on is getting a big kicker made for photos and filming just to the side of the expert rail line and then we’ll spend the, hopefully sunny, days of april making and changing features around for a bit of end of season variety.
Well I think that’s about enough for my first regimented blog so look out for some random updates ( I find random easier ) from me and some more from ‘other dave’, ‘dangerous ( to himself ) dave’, ‘dave 2’ or whatever you’d like to call him…. so until then here’s a couple of photos of our rail line and we’ll get some kicker photos on when we’ve tarted them up…