Tom Wallisch came in first in the Men’s Freeski Slopeystyle with a score of 94.75 Battling it out for 2nd and 3rd was Andreas Haveit and Bobby Brown. Andreas edged it over Bobby in his second run sliding him into second place.
Here’s the full list of results, and check back later for video highlights
1 Tom Wallisch 94.75
2 Andreas Håtveit 93.63
3 Bobby Brown 93.25
4 Sammy Carlson 91.25
5 Josiah Wells 87.38
6 Philip Casabon 85.75
7 Elias Ambuhl 84.25
8 Alexis Godbout 84.20
9 Ian Cosco 84.13
10 Tj Schiller 84.00
11 Charles Gagnier 83.00
12 McRae Williams 81.00
