Two videos from Tim Pierce in one week? It must be Christmas (or a similar holiday for your faith)! This time though it’s part 2 of A Taste Of Things To Come. After episode 1 where we met up with Jossi Wells and a few others to see what the buzz is about the games. The second episode has us following professional alpine skiers Tim Cafe, Jamie Prebble & Ben Griffin training at Coronet peak along with professional disabled ski racer Adam Hall free skiing at Cardrona.
Alpine skiing isn’t something I normally cover on SkiUnion but it’s good to see the other side of the ski world every once in a while, and when it’s to do with the NZ Winter Games 2011, it’s going to be interesting.
Take a look and let me know your thoughts.
100% Pure New Zealand Winter Games 2011 – A taste of things to come Ep2 >>