“The third adventure of our season takes us to my home town of Sun Valley, Idaho. I moved away at the age of fourteen and have not returned for a single winter until this season. A lot has changed in those nine years, but a lot has stayed the same. In its hay day, Sun Valley was a revolutionary place, something monumental seemed to happen daily – the K2 demo team tearing around the hill, showing everyone a new kind of skiing they had never seen before, or the worlds first known wet t-shirt contest… Something was always happening in Sun Valley.
Returning to the homeland meant I had to meet up with my childhood ski buddy, Ross Falcone. Ross and I spent endless days growing up together, skiing the mountain, so it was only fitting that we joined forces again. We had the time of our lives, from start to finish, and it reminded why we started skiing in the first place. We wanted to capture the essence of Sun Valley, but didn’t exactly know how untill it dawned on us, ski bumps, and ski them the way they should be skied. ” I haven’t seen anyone ski bumps like that since 78′, it’s great to see… ” remarked a random ski patroller.
We had a fantastic time making this one, hope you all enjoy!
Thanks so much to Sun Valley, Ross Falcone, and Jake Strassman for another amazing video.”
They’re also giving away a pair of skis!