Interview by Alex Greenwood.
Parker White has had another killer season filming and competing in some of the world’s best terrain and is now back in Montana thinking about eating a burrito. We asked Parker a few questions on his plans for the summer, filming with Level 1 and drinking Genepi in Les Arcs. Turns out he’s about to ride into the gates of hell and is looking forward to his next birthday party…
Where are you at the moment and what you up to?
Right now I am hanging out in my Bozeman apartment with a dog named Riley. I think I might eat a Burrito.

What are your plans for the summer?
Gonna kick it in Oregon for a little while, hopefully make it to the coast with some of the Tomahawk crew. Also just got a Harley. My homie Caleb Viano from Viano Moto has been helping me get everything tight and right with it. Kyle Decker should be here on his any day now. We are gonna ride these motherf*ckers straight to the gates of hell hahaha.
We are gonna ride these motherf*ckers straight to the gates of hell hahaha.
How do you feel your season went this year?
I personally think it went well, maybe not though.
I spent this past season in Les Arcs where I know you spent some time as well, both filming and competing. What did you think of the ski area and the terrain in the Alps in general?
I love it there. I’d go back in a heartbeat.
I read in another interview you’d tried the local speciality, Genepi, in Chez Bou Bou… miss Genepi much now that you’re back in the US? Also, did you hear about the time that Romain Grojean built a wall ride feature outside Chez Bou Bou)? Would be interesting hitting that on a Genepi fuelled night out…
Haha yeah, I do miss it, but I like that you can only get it there. I think that is my real attraction to it. And yes Alex Boughalem told us about that. Pretty sick. I think anything would be interesting to “Hit” on a Genepi fuelled night out. For example: A point of realization, that you should stop drinking Genepi.
I had a lot going on so I didn’t film as much for Level 1 as I usually would. But got some shit I am hyped on.
How did filming go this year? Any pressure filming with Level 1 after such stand out segments in Afterdark and Sunny?
I had a lot going on so I didn’t film as much for Level 1 as I usually would. But got some shit I am hyped on. Had a real good crew up in B.C. Wiley, Bibby, Freedle, Blake. We had a most excellent time. But noo not really any pressure.

You were in Les Arcs filming for a new competition, X Games Real Ski Backcountry. Congratulations on grabbing a medal by the way, that triple backie was wild! For someone who normally films more than they compete, what was it like being in a competition based around filming?
Thank you. It was basically the exact same.

You also competed in the backcountry freestyle event Red Bull Line Catcher in Les Arcs, how did that go?
It went really well. Probably one of the best pow days I had all year.
Another new competition you were involved with was the Vars tournament, which is an interesting mix of backcountry, park and jibbing. As someone who obviously loves skiing backcountry, what are your thoughts on the continued expansion of freestyle into the backcountry? Do you feel like we could end up with competitions that have controlled the terrain so much that we could lose the natural backcountry element?
Yes. I’ts called slopestyle haha. Anytime you build anything you lose a “Natural Element”. But backcountry is infinite. There is room everywhere for anyone to do whatever they want. That’s what’s so great about it. Hypothetically if there were a contest invented that somehow made backcountry less enjoyable. My advice to eveyone would be to not participate.
I don’t think anyone is skiing backcountry out of spite or paranoia of FIS
With Sochi just around the corner, do you think that the movement of freestyle into the backcountry is to try and get away from the inevitable regulations of the FIS or is it simply the natural progression of the sport as it grows with the riders?
I don’t think anyone is skiing backcountry out of spite or paranoia of FIS. That would be absurd and actually really halarious at the same time. Different strokes for different folks. Kno’msayin?
The British freestyle scene continues to grow as well, probably in part due to the raised profile due to the Olympics. Woodsy and snowboarding’s Jamie Nicholls are already big names but have you started to notice a greater number of British riders and people involved in the scene?
To be completely honest I haven’t really. I am also, however, not very attentive.
What are your plans for next season?
I want to have another birthday party. They can be soo fun.
A prediction of where the sport will be in 5 years’ time?
I have no idea. Hopefully in a very similiar place but with more People, Artwork, and Music.
Any riders who have really stood out to you this season and anyone who we should keep an eye out for next season?
Sam Favret, Leo Taillefer and Gypsy Feelin, Magnus Graner, Lucas Stal Madison and the whole Bunch crew, Scotty Donahue, Nick Miles, Jacob Hyllengren Larsson, Anton Jansson, and Jon Hartman if he hasn’t died of alcoholism or old age… or both.