A second day of stunning sunshine in Laax set the backdrop of the eagerly anticipated Protest Slopestyle event with Winter X Gamers James Woods and Katie Summerhayes taking home the gold.

The course was as big and as fierce as ever with eight metre down and goal post rails, and six metre street-style and flat down rails. There were three kicker lines all with six and 10 metre kickers for small and medium respectively and the large kickers from top to bottom measuring in at 16, 17 and 19 metres.
James Woods from Sheffield showed the crowd why he’s in the world’s elite and claimed trick of the day with a floaty right sided double corked mute 12 and a techy switch 270 on the second down rail. Tyler Jay Harding stepped up his game to compete with the big boys and the 14 year old from Halifax spun 270 left and right over the down rails and Julian Ball, 26 from Kent picked up bronze stomping a K-Fed on the first rail, a left corked 9 and a steezey crouch 7. A special mention to Chris Wadsworth who slayed the rail section with a bag full of tricks including a lipside 270 on the top down rail.
James Woods quoted: “I am very happy with the course today, everyone was throwing it down and it was super exciting to be back at The BRITS again this year.”
As always the girls made sure they weren’t overlooked by throwing a whole heap of 720’s, 5’s and Katie Summerhayes even throwing a 9. The 15 year old from Sheffield took gold for the third consecutive year stomping the day’s only 270 onto the gas pipe, gapped the kink box and laid out a stylish switch 5. Servanne Herant from Stoke-on-Trent, also 15, went big all day with big 3’s and 7’s taking home the silver. Finally Molly Summerhayes joined her sister on the podium with a 180 on the quarter pipe, followed by a smooth and technical section on the rails.
Katie Summerhayes quoted: “I am so happy, this is my third year in a row. I tried my best and tried to get a better run in than I did last year. But I’m so stoked that my sister got third today.”
British Halfpipe Championships Results
Men Women
1st James Woods 1st Katie Summerhayes
2nd Tyler Jay Harding 2nd Servanne Herant
3rd Julian Ball 3rd Molly Summerhayes
BRITS 2011 – Protest Freeski Slopestyle Championships >>
For the Brits 2011: Protest Freeski Halfpipe Championships, make sure you check out the highlights by clicking the link.