Kirkwood, California has been and gone and we’re here with the latest video updates fresh from the guys in the states. There’s a best of edit which has the runs from the whole weekend and the top three runs from the guys.
There is a sad note to the North American Championships as Ryan Hawks unfortunately died from injuries sustained during his run. He threw a large backflip off a cliff but crashed upon landing on Monday but was pronounced dead early Tuesday morning.
Ryan was a part of the ‘Green Mountain Freeride’ which was a group of Vermont-born skiers. Hawks wrote on their website, “My father always said, ‘A skier carries his own skis,’ so I learned how to carry my batman skis by the age of two and have been skiing ever since … I grew up on the slopes and was instilled with a deep passion and respect for my surroundings by those very same mountains. Three years ago, I hitched a ride west and have been here every winter since.”
It’s certainly a huge loss for the skiing world and my regards go out to his family.
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