After a number of peculiar teasers that have mystified both freeskiers and astronomers alike, a full trailer for GORE-TEX® JOB In Space presented by Marker Völkl has finally been released for your viewing pleasure. The trailer gives you a glimpse of the journey that JOB In Space will take you on. Follow the unfortunate extraterrestrial astronaut´s plight as he finds himself stuck on an ice-planet, encountering local snow fiends that perform fascinating stunts and who could well be the key to his escape from the planet. JOB In Space blows away freeski filming making conventions by mixing stellar action shots with enigmatic science fiction.
The extensive Junkies On a Budget production utilized five film crews from all over Europe, each with their own background and techniques. They produced and edited their vision of the sport into a segment, integrated into a creative plot line by artistic director Clemens Purner. They filmed all over Europe with some of the best freeskiers the continent has to offer. Never before have so many talented film makers and freeskiers collaborated in one project, it is a who’s who of the European freeski scene.
The Crews:
Niclas Löffler and injured athlete Markus Eder from team We Make Them Wonder went on a freezing cold urban trip to Poland and also filmed at Arlberg and in Livigino with Roy Kittler, Thomas Dølplads, Niklas Eriksson and many more, to create their gnarly section. Team Winter Project, with filmer Nicke Jacobsen and filmer/skier Adam Falk, shredded the streets of Stockholm and also traveled to Riksgränsen all the way above the arctic circle to get some fascinatingly creative shots with Johan Jonsson, Jesper Tjäder, Simon Ericson and many other Scandinavians. Daniel Seideneder, an experienced filmer/director of short films and commercials yet a newcomer to freeski cinematography, was part of team Nine Knights in Livigno, and put his own twist on the epic stunts that Russ Henshaw, Tom Wallisch, Gus Kenworthy, Nico Zacek and the other Knights threw down on the castle. Mathias Lopez worked together with Jean Baptiste Merendet in team Vecom Video, utilizing 42 Contour cameras to capture Kevin Rolland, Ben Valentin, Anatole Camelin and other Frenchmen going buckwild on some insane special features. Team Aestivation Entertainment finally with Max and Mo Garhammer as filmers and editors went on a madcap heli trip to British Columbia and scored the goods with the likes of Teddy Berr, Phil Meier and Roman Rohrmoser.
Yes, all these riders, filmers and locations are going to make one hell of a movie experience! Be sure to watch the first full length JOB In Space trailer and stay tuned for more updates, segment previews and behind the scenes footage on the JOB Website. The Junkies will be releasing more epic and mysterious footage every Monday, to lighten up the start of the working week.
Because Monday is JOB day.
If you are intrigued by this project, check out the website www.junkiesonabudget.com for more info about the project.