So you know that I generally like to add my own little intro before I plaster the text that people send out with films and this one is no different. After spending some time watching this video (probably a bit too much time so don’t tell the boss!) I realised that I’m pretty happy the ‘Indian Summer’ has been and gone. With pictures from snow already falling in Cairngorm, Morzine apparently having some snow forecast for this weekend and the American resorts being chocked full of powder already, this is a great reminder that the snow season is on its way and ready to be dealt with. ‘The Main Idea: Prologue‘ is a recap of their winter from 2010/2011 and will give you an idea of what they’re expecting to happen this season.
Get ready people, it’s nearly snow time…
PROLOGUE [proh-lawg] (noun): the preface or introduction to a work
The Main Idea presents to you “Prologue” – a recap of our winter and a taste of what is to come.
Over the course of the 2010-2011 season we traveled all over the east with a few adventures out west. Aiming to cover every aspect of the sport possible, our winter was filled with backcountry tours, sleepless nights in the city, and everything in between.
With zero funding and support, our only goal was to have an amazing time doing what we love with our friends. We had a great first year and we hope you enjoy what we put together from our endeavors!
This coming 2011-2012 season we’ll be shifting our focus from a year long movie project to what we like to call Monthly Movies. Over the course of the year we’ll be producing free, monthly releases that will cover a wide scope of the winter sports we all know and love. Each month’s release will be a direct representation of everything we did, and everywhere we went during that time.
See you this winter! For now, enjoy Prologue…
|Directed By|
Galin Foley
Joey Szela
|Filmed by|
Joey Szela
Galin Foley
Craig Stay
Alex Savarie
Dillon Calderone
Erme Catino
Colin Delaney
Jake Doan
Tyler Duncan
Caitlyn Foley
Galin Foley
Ian Foley
Andrew Holson
Sam Hurst
Sam Kimmerle
Eric Leone
Jeff Leone
Tanner Mccarty
Kieran McVeigh
Adam Newhard
Sam Parker
Justin Perry
Sam Putnam
Colin Sirois
Joey Szela
Jackson Tupper
Evan Williams
& Friends