It’s fair to say that most people’s favourite thing about skiing is the skiing itself. Yeah, there’s the après-skiing. Sure, there’s the overly ambitious snowman building projects . And, of course, who could forget the world class hot chocolates? But, in the majority of cases, skiing is what people love the most about skiing.
One thing that people don’t really like about skiing is the sheer amount of time spent standing in crowded gondolas, freezing half to death on stationary chairlifts, or having button lifts violently introduced to their nether regions. Some ski lifts however are a genuinely interesting twist on the standard ski lift formula. If they could talk, these ski lifts would say things like “Hey guys, ski lifts can actually be pretty neat if you get to know us” and “Woo. Yeah. I’m a bloody amazing ski lift. Look at me.”
For photos of cool/interesting/unusual ski lifts, and info on where to find them, see below.