The Winter X Games Europe has officially begun and it’s been a busy day of skiing! I guess I’ll start on the first event that I managed to watch while typing up some other crap and that was the Men’s Slopestyle Eliminations. The field of riders that are competing made the crowd mad with anticipation as it was going to be the best of the best taking on the best of the best.
The field consisted of: Alex Schlopy, Alexis Godbout, Jossi Wells, Elias Ambuhl, PK Hunder, Kai Mahler, Phil Casabon, Jules Bonnaire, Antti Ollila, Gus Kenworthy, Andreas Hatveit, Nick Goepper, Alex Bellemare, James Woods, Bobby Brown, Joss Christensen, Russ Henshaw & Tom Wallisch.
Quite the field huh? After one hell of an elimination battle which saw the lead change hands a fair few times, there was only going to be one man at the top of the table and that man was Tom Wallisch. Here’s his run:
Elimination Results:
1. Tom Wallisch ———- 74.66 95.66 → 95.66
2. Russ Henshaw ———- 90.33 94.66 → 94.66
3. Joss Christensen ———- 33.00 94.33 → 94.33
4. Bobby Brown ———- 92.66 85.00 → 92.66
5. James Woods ———- 91.00 17.33 → 91.00
6. Alex Bellemare ———- 83.00 90.00 → 90.00
7. Nick Goepper ———- 86.00 88.66 → 88.66
8. Andreas Håtveit ———- 87.66 57.66 → 87.66
9. Gus Kenworthy ———- 85.00 21.66 → 85.00
10. Antti Ollila ———- 82.00 25.00 → 82.00
11. Jules Bonnaire ———- 80.66 9.66 → 80.66
12. Phil Casabon ———- 78.00 21.66 → 78.00
13. Kai Mahler ———- 75.33 20.00 → 75.33
14. PK Hunder ———- 10.00 63.33 → 63.33
15. Elias Ambühl ———- 60.00 31.33 → 60.00
16. Jossi Wells ———- 56.00 46.00 → 56.00
17. Alexis Godbout ———- 29.00 40.00 → 40.00
18. Alex Schlopy ———- 19.66 6.33 → 19.66
So will Tom Wallisch keep his top spot when it comes to the slopestyle finals tomorrow? He’s going to have a tough fight to do it though as I reckon his main two contenders will be Bobby Brown and Nick Goepper. But then I could be completely wrong!