So it’s time for the third and final Völkl SnowPark Rally mission, and this time it’s Thomas Hlawitschka setting the task. So far we’ve had Pimped and Old School Themes. The winners shots from each category are below. This time it’s a party theme.

Winner from the second ‘Old School Mission’
So here is your third and final mission (entry rules below)
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1. Check out the video mission briefing (above) –
your third and last mission is “PARK PARTY”
2. Round up your friends, go to your favorite park and get creative with your cam. It doesn’t matter if you use a SLR or a simple digicam. More important is your idea and the execution of the given task!
3. Then you simply upload the picture on the Volk SnowPark Rally site. The upload period for this mission is from 18th February until 14th March 2010.
4. After the upload period the Skiing and photo editors will award the best 10 pictures.
5. Win cool prizes!