Britains World Cup halfpipe rider, James Machon has kindly agreed to let us know what is going on in his world. Follow him on SkiUnion through the season. Catch up on his training, skiing, or just partying right here.
Touchdown USA
I arrived in Aspen!!! Whoop. I was super excited to meet Elana at the airport, but unforunately the trademark Aspen airport lost my bags. I walked around Aspen town today because i didnt have any skis to ride and it helped me recover from Jet Lag. I’ll hopfully have my luggage tonight, so we can travel over to Copper mountain tommorow to meet the other skiers!
I can’t wait to ski at Copper, the pipe there this year is 22ft Walls and simular to the X Games halfpipe for athlethes, so I’ll be there training every day to get ready for the Winter Dew Tour on the 18th December, in Brekenridge. I’m hopefully going to the Woodward training which should be good, with an indoor snowflex jump into a foam pit, with rails, trampoline foam pits, I’m so excited about that more than anything! I’ll try and get some pictures of the Halfpipe and Woodward! (02/12/09)
Went up to session the pipe today with Torin. First proper session in the pipe, it was really sunny, but really cold, so we had our pipe skis on! Going up on the chair lift with all the snow blowers was pretty cool, and we got some good tricks down. Off to Woodward tonight with Torin to hit the trampolines and an early night ready for tommorow. (04/12/09)

Woodward! Had a good first few sessions at woodward, working on some double flips and spins, the snowflex jump into the foam pit is super cool, but it hurts your knees when you land forwards, but apart from that it is really sick for trying new grabs and tricks. The trampolines are amazing, and you can go so big into the foam pit. Check out the photo’s below. (08/12/09)