I did say that we’d have updates and before I unleash the final day highlights on the world, you need to take in Day 2 and Day 3.
Day 2 was all about the rookies and the ladies competitions and there was clearly some standout riding! Best female rider of the day was Lena Stoffel from Germany who is also a new member of the Fiat Professional Team. For the boys Kai Mahler from Switzerland nailed the best run. A bit of fresh snow from the last few days made conditions perfect, and bluebird weather illuminated a great setup consisting of two possible rail features (downrail/kinked box or double kinked rail/double kinked box) and two kickers in a row.
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And day 3? What did day 3 bring? Well, it brought us the men’s qualifiers of course!
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For those of you that missed out on Day 1 and feel the need to catch up then head on over to SkiUnion’s day 1 write up with video highlights. It’s like a regular day out around these parts! You know what to do!
Austrian Freeski Open – Training Day!