This has to be one of the most heartwarming stories that I’v ever heard, it nearly brought a tear to my eye. Back in April 2010, Pekka Hyysalo was pretty fresh on the scene but was no different to any other skier. He was all about winning comps, getting his face in movies, generally just loving skiing and getting involved. However, whist in Lapland, Finland, on a spring film shoot, Pekka took a pretty bad fall and suffered a traumatic brain injury. When it comes to brain injuries they’re so serious that coming out of them alive is a huge bonus. He luckily survived the ordeal but it changed the way he would look at life. It affected his career, his ability to move and his ability to speak. It’s a pretty terrible injury but it hasn’t stopped him and his road to recovery.
It’s been over a year now and Pekka has been working hard. This video was taken a few days ago from Kitzsteinhorn, Austria as he gets himself back on skis and back onto snow. He really is a true source of inspiration. Pekka, it’s good to see you back.
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